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Writer's pictureTiffany Ahern

Will Morpheus8 Be The Top Treatment Of 2022?

Updated: Sep 3, 2023

With people everywhere beginning to discover the Morpheus8 treatment, it's only a matter of time until the word is out. Morpheus8 combines microneedling with radiofrequency energy to achieve clearer, younger-looking skin and the results are impressive. It's effective, minimally invasive, and delivers optimal results for all skin types!

The treatment works by destroying damaged skin cells while ramping up collagen production, so your skin heals smoother and less flawed. Rejuvenating deeper layers of the skin allows professionals to achieve the best results possible for the most common, stubborn skin issues.

Morpheus8 treatment process

Using Microneedling With Radiofrequency Energy

As unfortunate as it may be, aging is natural; sun damage, deep lines, acne scarring, and other signs of aging are going to happen, even if you are actively fighting them. Nobody wants to undergo multiple treatments when unwanted fat accumulates, collagen and elastin production halts, or acne scarring pops up, which is why Morpheus8 is one of the most effective minimally-invasive treatments of 2022.

Morpheus8 penetrates the outer layers of skin using a comprehensive pairing of radio frequency (RF) energy and microneedling (tiny needles that cause micro-abrasions) to promote new collagen production and skin repair. Using fractional treatments, experts can apply thermal damage and micro lesions to the underlying layers of skin to achieve a youthful appearance.

The Morpheus8 Process

Before Your Treatment

  • We will do a complementary consultation to determine what areas are best for your Morpheus 8 treatment and determine the best plan for you. This will ensure that you are cleared for subdermal adipose remodeling, although most individuals who are generally healthy should be viable candidates. Avoid harsh skincare products, excessive sun exposure, and else that could harm your skin before Morpheus8. You should also inform your Morpheus8 provider of any current medications or medical history that could pose an issue.

During Morpheus8

  • Your Morpheus8 treatment will begin with the application of a topical numbing cream, which will alleviate most discomfort during the procedure. After the surface of your skin is properly numbed, your first treatment will begin. Using FDA-cleared technology, your medical professional will apply the combination of radio frequency energy and abrasions from micro-pins to cause controlled damage to the surface of your skin. Depending on the treatment area covered during the procedure, your appointment could take fifteen minutes to an hour.

After Your Collagen Remodeling

  • Once treated areas start to heal, you should see noticeable results appear. In most cases, your skin will continue its enhanced collagen and elastin production for approximately a month. Until your skin heals, there are a few precautions to be aware of. Avoid direct sun exposure and abrasive skin treatments until cleared by the provider. You can expect minimal downtime, however, there may be visible redness and mild swelling following your Morpheus8 treatment.

Benefits Of The Morpheus8 Treatment

Unlike other treatments, the Morpheus8 advanced microneedling treatment penetrates to the deepest layers of the skin, causing collagen and elastin production to heighten while dissolving excess fat deposits from the most sensitive areas. The combined power of RF energy and microneedling through Morpheus8 can reduce or eliminate:

  • Active acne

  • Acne scars

  • Stretch marks

  • Loose skin

  • wrinkles

  • Fine lines

  • excess fat deposits

Morpheus8 is highly effective for treating a broad range of skin issues, but that's not all it does. Virtually all skin types can benefit from the skin tightening and rejuvenation that comes with Morpheus8 treatments. The procedure forces the skin to repair itself naturally, rejuvenating the cells and sparking increased collagen in the treated areas. The body can do amazing things when you give it a nudge!

Due to the versatility of Morpheus8, treatments can improve sagging and reduce fat in the subdermal tissue around the body. You can find a treatment option for the neck, chin, jowls, nasolabial folds, arms, bra line, and more.

Morpheus8 takes skin tightening to the next level!

Most Patients Are Eligible For A Morpheus8 Treatment

Because Morpheus8 is minimally invasive and requires no serious recovery, most patients are eligible for the procedure. Scheduling a consultation with a Morpheus8 professional near you can ensure that you are an ideal candidate for treatment, but there are not many disqualifying factors to worry about.

The procedure is safe for all skin types and tones, but the most popular demographic is the age group between 35 and 55 who have sagging in the face and neck. Individuals with darker skin tones may risk post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, so be sure to ask your provider if that chance exists in your case.

Take Precaution After Morpheus8 For Optimal Results

After your treatment, the results are in your hands. Skin that is properly cared for and protected through the healing process will benefit the most from the Morpheus8 procedure. The treated area will be extra vulnerable during the first week, so nourishing and guarding your skin against damage help achieve the desired outcome.

Following your Morpheus8 treatment, be sure to apply broad-spectrum sunscreen when outdoors and moisturize often to assist while the skin continues to heal. The pinpoint bleeding caused by the advanced microneedling treatment may cause tiny scabs on the surface of the skin, so proper care is highly recommended to minimize swelling and redness as soon as possible.

The The Advanced Microneedling Treatment

Not too long ago, microneedling was taking California by storm; now it's time for an upgrade. Minimal downtime and discomfort, incredible results, and a great patient experience make Morpheus8 one of the most attractive services for collagen renewal, fat reduction, skin tightening, and rejuvenation. Give your body, face, and renewal with Morpheus8!

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